

                              IIC EVENT 21-22                

“Business Plan Competition 2022”
21st August 2022

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC-BIT Mesra) in collaboration with Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) and Finance Club (FC) has organized a “Business Plan Competition 2022” on 21st August 2022 on the occasion of “World Entrepreneurs Day”. This business plan competition aims to identify the entrepreneurial bent of mind of BIT students in different domains of business and allied disciplines were presented their business idea plans. In this event the total 14 teams registered from BIT Mesra and off campuses. All the teams were presented their business plan idea and after that 6 teams were qualified for the next round the coming event i.e.  “BIT NIHSAN” it’s a technology innovation context and its kind to provide seed funding to home startups. Students from Mesra and Lalpur presented their pitches in offline mode while participants from other campuses joined online to share their ideas. The Inauguration program kickstarted at 21.08.22. The hosts for the ceremony were the students’ coordinators who welcomed the dignitaries. Mr. Vishal H. Shah, Faculty Advisor of EDC briefed about the competition to the audience. Dr. K. Shridhar Patnaik, Associate Dean (SA) & Convener of IIC- BIT addressed the important of this Business event competition followed by Dr. Bhaskar Karan, Dean of Student Affairs who motivated the participants to take part in the event. The vote of thanks given by Dr. Anand Prasad Sinha, Co-Convener (IIC-BIT) and faculty advisor Finance Club conveyed the closing remarks in the ceremony and thanked all the participants as well as the panel of judges too.

List of Jury Members as Mentioned below.

  1. Prof. Vinay Sharma
  2. Prof. Ashok Sharon
  3. Dr. Abhijit Mustafi
  4. Dr. Manish Pande
  5. Dr. Dilip Kumar Singh

Following teams were selected to participate in “BIT NISHAN-22”

        Team : Elyvate
        Team :  Wheel Rover
        Team : Beverage Truck
        Team :  Venture Labs
        Team :  Housekeeping Hygiene Solution
        Team :  Kards 

                                                                           Panel of Judges

Business Plan Idea Presentation

Prize  Distribution Ceremony

Institution's Innovation Council Regional Meet

2nd August 2022

Ministry of Education Innovation Cell & All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi has organized an Institution's Innovation Council Regional Meet at Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Kolkata on 2nd August 2022.

Around 350 IIC Members from 115 Higher Education Institutions from Eastern Zone has participated for the Knowledge sharing part and the Innovation and Poster Exhibition. In this regional meet BIT Mesra, Ranchi has got one of the Best Creative Posters awards on their institution's innovation & Entrepreneurship Journey/Achievement.

We would like to give special thanks to the individual Track Speakers of the event and to the Gurunanak Institute of Technology for hosting during the event, and furthermore to the effective organizing teams of it who did outstanding work in organizing the event. In this event the following faculty members were presented their institution's innovation & Entrepreneurship Journey/Achievement.

  1. Dr. Priyank Kumar - ARIIA Coordinator
  2. Mr, Vishal H. Shah – EDC Coordinator
  3. Dr. Anand Prasad Sinha - Co-Convenor IIC BIT
  4. Dr. Dilip Kr Singh - IPR Activity Coordinator