Deans  >>  Research Innovation Entrepreneurship  >  Research Promotion Scheme

1.Seed Money Scheme (SMS) initiated by the Institute in the year 2015 to provide grant for the Faculty Members under different areas of research, which is to be used to initiate/continue the research work of the Faculty. The objective of the scheme is to accelerate the possibility to receive the financial support from external agencies in future. The applicant must clearly and convincingly demonstrate that the proposed project represents a new research direction in an area likely to generate external funding. The project under SMS is being considered as Minor Project and relevant API score will be credited as per CAS rule of BIT, Mesra (Clause – 10A).

Download Clause 10A of CAS rule Clause 10A

The List of Previous SMS beneficiary is attached : Details of SMS Beneficiary

Applicant must be a full-time newly recruited faculty as Assistant Professor in the Institute or its extension centers in last 3 years & Grant will be of Rs. 5,00,000.

Link for Seed money Scheme : Seed Money Scheme

2. Research Promotion Grant (RPG): The Institute is giving 30% of the over-head cost of the project under RPG to the Principal    Investigator (PI) /Co-PI of the project as under:

  1. Principal Investigator (PI)                   : 60%
  2. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)         : 40%

The amount under RPG is being given to the PI and Co-PI towards the following:

  1. For attending National / International Conferences.
  2. Buying books, computer peripherals, publication in reviewed journals, telephone / internet charges, for extending hospitality to the experts / invitees.

The PI /Co-PI may utilize the unspent amount under this grant till his/her superannuation/resignation.

3.Performance Based Incentives (PBI): The Institute has taken initiative to give incentives to the Departments & Principal Investigators as under, based on the performance for accumulating maximum amount of research fund from the external Funding Agencies.

  1. First 3 Departments who have accumulated maximum funds for research from different funding agencies in last 3 / 4 years:

a)  : 5.00 Lacs

b) : 3.00 Lacs

c)  : 2.00 Lacs      

Total     10.00 Lac

  1. Contingency Grant to first 3 PIs who have accumulated maximum funds for their research from the funding agencies in last 3 / 4 years:

a) : 0.40 Lac

b) : 0.30 Lac

c) : 0.20 Lac

 Total     0.90 Lac

Total Amount (I +II) : 10.90 Lacs