Departments  >>  Chemical Engineering  >  Training

As per CBCS curriculum, it is mandatory to undergo Summer Training (MC 300) at the end of 6th semester which is of 2-credit. 

Students are encouraged to apply for internships in industries, research labs, IITs/IISERs and other organizations. 
Steps to be followed for MC 300:

1. Identify organizations where one wants to do training/project work/internship.

2. After identifying the organization, one must submit an application form to request a training/project work/internship letter.

The application form can be submitted through this link:  

        Please fill in all the details correctly.

3. After receiving the application form, the department T & P coordinator will issue the letter after getting it signed by the Head of the Department.

4. Letters will be issued to the students from the coordinator within 1-2 working days.
5. The student can apply to the organization with that issued training letter.
6. After completing training/project work/internship, the students must submit the acceptance letter, training report, and training certificate (xerox copy) to the department training & placement coordinator.

7. Assessment will be carried out based on the report and viva. Viva will be conducted at the beginning of the 7th semester.






Last Updated - 5-Aug-2022