Departments  >>  Centre for Quantitative Economics and Data Science  >  Publications

  1. Vikas Dugesar, Manish K Pandey, Prashant K Srivastava, George P. Petropoulos, Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava & Virendra Kumar Kumra (2023) Performance Assessment of the Sentinel-2 LAI products and data fusion techniques for developing new LAI datasets over the high-altitude Himalayan forests, Geocarto International, (I.F. 3.45) 

  2. Kumar, P., Aishwarya, Srivastava, P. K., Pandey, M. K., Anand, A., Biswas, J. K., Drews, M., Dobriyal, M., Singh, R. K., De la Sen, M., Singh, S. S., Pandey, A. K., Kumar, M., & Rani, M. (2023). Nitrogen dioxide as proxy indicator of air pollution from fossil fuel burning in New Delhi during lockdown phases of COVID-19 pandemic period: impact on weather as revealed by Sentinel-5 precursor (5p) spectrometer sensor. Environment, Development and Sustainability. (I.F. 4.080)
  3. Koley, T., Sultana, F. & Dewanji, A. Parametric Analysis of Tampered Random Variable Model for Multiple Step-Stress Life Test. J Stat Theory Pract 17, 28 (2023).
  4. Koley, T., Dewanji, A. (2023). Current status data with two competing risks and time-dependent missing failure types. Journal of Applied Statistics.
  5. Pandey, M. K., & Subbiah, K. (2023). A Deep Learning Approach for Classification of Medicare Beneficiaries Based on Gender and being Affected with Cancer. Procedia Computer Science, 218, 532–541. (I.F. NA)
  6. Satish, K.V., Dugesar, V., Pandey, M.K., Srivastava, P.K., Pharswan, D.S., and Wani, Z.A (2022). Development of forty-nine novel earth observation variables (NEOVs) for improving species distribution models in the Himalaya. figshare. Dataset. (I.F. NA)
  7. Satish, K.V., Vikas Dugesar, Manish K. Pandey, Prashant K. Srivastava, Dalbeer S. Pharswan, and Zishan Ahmad Wani. 2023. “Seeing from Space Makes Sense: Novel Earth Observation Variables Accurately Map Species Distributions over Himalaya.” Journal of Environmental Management 325 (January): 116428. (I.F. 8.91)
  8. Dugesar V, Satish KV, Pandey MK, Srivastava PK, Petropoulos GP, Anand A, Behera MD. Impact of Environmental Gradients on Phenometrics of Major Forest Types of Kumaon Region of the Western Himalaya. Forests. 2022; 13(12):1973. (I.F. 3.282)
  9. Pandey, Manish Kumar, Anu Saini, Karthikeyan Subbiah, Nalini Chintalapudi, and Gopi Battineni. 2022. "Improved Carpooling Experience through Improved GPS Trajectory Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms" Information 13, no. 8: 369. (I.F. 3.1)
  10. Maiti, S., Maharia, M., Pakrashi, D., & Gautam, A. (2022). Child marriage and reproductive health of Indian women. Journal of Demographic Economics, 1-26. doi:10.1017/dem.2022.29
  11. Murali, Srinivasan and Naresh, Abhishek and Shin, Jong Kook and Subramanian, Chetan, Asymmetric Wage and Employment Dynamics in Segmented Labour Markets (April 18, 2022). IIM Bangalore Research Paper No. 632, Available at SSRN: or

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Last Updated - 16-Aug-2023