Departments  >>  Mathematics  >  Research

  • Computational Solid Mechanics
  • Statistical Computing
  • Differential Equations and Difference Equations
  • Theoretical Seismology
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Numerical Solution of Boundary Layer Flow
  • Differential Equations and their applications in Ecology
  • Fuzzy optimization and Operations Research
  • Numerical Analysis and Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems
  • Optimization and its applications
  • Cryptography and Image Processing
  • Lattice Based Cryptography
  • Complex Analysis
  • Quantum information theory 
  • Topology
  • Number Theory
  •  Singular Perturbation Problems
  • Finite Element Method
  • Compact difference method
  • Music Analysis
  • Heat Transfer
  • Medical Diagnosis
  • Environment and Biology


  • Green's Function, Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Periodic Solutions of Functional Differential Equations, Investigator- Dr. S. Padhi, Sponsoring Agency -National Board for Higher Mathematics (Department of Atomic Energy), Govt. of India. Period:2007-2012. Total Outlay: INR.12,30,000/-. (INR)
  • Existence and Global Attractivity of Periodic Solutions of Functional Differential Equations, Investigator- Dr. S. Padhi, Sponsoring Agency Funded by National Board for Higher Mathematics (Department of Atomic Energy), Govt. of India. Period:2012-2015.Total Outlay: INR.8,38,000/-. (INR).
  • A decision support system for vendor selection problem intuitionistic fuzzy environment, Investigator- Dr. P. Kaur & Dr. S.K Jain, Sponsoring Agency- UGC- Period:2013-2016, Total Outlay: INR.12,00,000/-.(INR)
  • Analyzing the structure and performance of Hindustani classical music through statistics, Investigator- Dr. S. Chakraborty, Sponsoring Agency- UGC- Period: 2.6-year, Total Outlay:


Last Updated - 3-Mar-2022