Data Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structure, Operating System
Operating Systems, Compilers, Computer Architecture and Organization, Digital Logic, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems, Big Data (Performance and Fault Tolerant Issues)
Low Level Computer Vision, Remote Sensing, Biomedical Imaging , Model and Data Driven Methods
Machine Learning, Data Clustering Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Design, OOAD, Computer Organization & Architecture, Data & Computer Network, System Programming
Wireless Sensor Network, Internet of Things, Machine Learning
Parallel and Distributed Computing, Computer Architecture, Wireless Network, DBMS & Object-Oriented Programming
Cryptography & Network security, Machine Learning, IoT & Data Mining
Data communication & Computer Network, Network Security, Cryptography, Cloud Computing, Data Mining web Technology, E-Commerce, Software Engg.IOT,
Networks, Internet of Things, Web Services, Object Oriented Modeling, Artificial Intelligence
Data Mining, Soft Computing, Bio-Inspired Computation, AI and ML, Networking & Security
Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Text Reuse Detection, Medical Domain Data Analysis