Students  >>  Code of Conduct



Download the Student's Code of Conduct

  1. Students should not get involved in ragging. If anyone is found to be involved in any case of ragging, he/ she will be severely punished, even leading to outright expulsion from the Institute.
  2. Students should not furnish false statements/ information of any kind in the form for admission or for award of scholarship/freeship, etc. Also, they should not submit any forged/ fake documents/ certificates within the Institute or outside the Institute.
  3. Students should have courtesy and decorum and not resort to indecent behavior anywhere within or outside the campus.
  4. Students should not willfully damage or stealthily remove any property/belongings of the Institute/ hostel/ fellow students.
  5. Possession, consumption, or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of hallucinogenic drugs is strictly prohibited. If anyone is found to be involved in any such case, he/ she will be severely punished, even leading to outright expulsion from the Institute.
  6. Students should not adopt unfair means in the examination.
  7. They should not organize or participate in any group activity in company with others within the campus or outside without prior permission of the Director, University Polytechnic.
  8. Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books will attract disciplinary action.
  9. Students should not resort to noisy and unseemly behavior and should not disturb the studies of fellow students.
  10. Students should not misuse Internet/e-mail facilities. Any tempering/ hacking with servers anywhere in the Institute/ hostel will be dealt with sternly.
  11. Every student is required to stay in one of the hostels on the Institute Campus. Under exceptional circumstances, the Director of the University Polytechnic may permit a student to stay outside the campus on a temporary basis.
  12. Students must stay in the allotted room. They should not change the room on their own.
  13. Students must sign in to the attendance sheet/register daily in their respective hostels. Any absence, even for a day from the Institute/hostel, must be intimated properly to the hostel office in advance.
  14. Students should not drive or possess any power-driven vehicles (scooters/ motorcycles/ cars, etc.) either inside or outside the campus. Anyone violating this rule will be punished severely, and their vehicle will be seized.
  15. Every student must carry/ wear an identity card. They should show their identity cards to authorized persons whenever they are asked to do so.
  16. Every student must abide by the mess timings applicable in his or her hostel.
  17. Students must have their meal in the dining hall. No room service is allowed. If a student is sick, then he/ she should be admitted to the Institute Hospital. Food will be provided in the Hospital from the respective hostel.
  18. No guest will be served food in the hostel mess without prior permission from the Warden.
  19. No food from Canteen or Dhaba should be brought inside the hostel premises.
  20. The Institute provides general security of the premises; however, it is the responsibility of the student to safeguard his or her belongings. They are advised to use good-quality locks. They should close the window and lock the door properly when they are going out. They are advised not to keep any valuable items in the hostel room.
  21. Students should wear decent formal dresses in the Institute as well as in the dining hall of the hostel. The dress code is applicable for certain laboratory classes/workshops/ NCC/ HMCT/ Management.
  22. No married accommodation is provided to any student.
  23. Students should make their rooms available whenever required for
    maintenance work.
  24. It is the responsibility of the students to safeguard all fittings and fixtures in the hostels. For any damage or loss of property in the hostel, the Warden may impose a fine on the concerned student(s) or the entire lobby/ hostel. The amount of the fine shall be more than the cost of damage made.
  25. The ceiling fan, tube light, and other electrical gadgets should be switched off before leaving the room.
  26. The use of electric heater in the room is strictly prohibited.
  27. The television room and common room will be open till 10 p.m., and the students must maintain proper decorum in the common room.
  28.  In the girls’ hostels, the male visitors are not allowed. However, the father can meet his daughter in the visitor’s area.
  29. No female is allowed to stay in the boys’ hostels. Similarly, no male member is allowed to stay in girls’ hostels.
  30. All students must follow the in-time in their respective hostels as notified from time to time.
  31. The In time for all students residing in hostels is 6.00 pm.
  32. Inter-hostel movement of male students may be allowed up to 9:00 p.m. with prior written permission of the respective hostel wardens.
  33. Late-hour entry (after 7 p.m.) in the Institute campus is not allowed. However, under special circumstances with valid grounds, late-hour entry into the Institute campus may be allowed. The student must produce his/her Identity card at the Institute Entry Gate.
    Failing to obey the Code of Conduct may lead to strict disciplinary actions, even leading to outright expulsion from the Institute.

By the order of the Director.